Saturday, May 17, 2008

Here I am, once again, bringing my stories to the table.

Its basically the end of the week, thank the Lord. And really all the thanks belongs to him. Isn't it just crazy how good God is, how big he is, and yet he cares how we feel, and he wants to experience every moment with us. It sort of just rocks my brain when I even try and think about it. So often I think we try to live life as though God is a dictator living over us, judging every move, just waiting to take us in and prosecute us. Really he is the father who lifts the child when they fall, he is the friend who is waiting at the end of everyday to hear about it, he is the teacher who is walking with us every step of the way - helping us learn the things we need to. God is good, he its patient and kind, he is love.

This place, it has taught me so much. It has taught me how to be alone, and ok with it. It has taught me how to feel uncomfortable, and be ok with it. It has taught me the ways of hope for what is to come. It has taught me that real love fights till there is nothing left, and even then it continues to push on. There is always more left.

I feel so overwhelmed with Growth and change, I don't know how to explain it, I don't think words will be able to explain it ever, I think you might see it though - lets just hang out, maybe you will.

Point being, I realized how much I hate movies, its been a continual realization - over the past few months. I stopped going to the theater, and I rarely watch movies, and when I do watch movies, I watch the whole series. I know - I am sort of contradicting myself, I can accept it. Point being though, I've never been a comic book person, but one of my lectures' used a spider man clip in class as a demonstration and it intrigued me - thus I've been watching the series. I've seen the first two now. So far, I enjoy them, its sort of getting a little redundant, but it works.

To my point though; I've realized how much movies remind me of all thats at home. Simply put, thats it.
I hate that feeling after I watch a movie, and I can just feel it, that "missing" feeling deep in my chest.
You know that one? Its nothing new to me, I have sort of gotten to know it quite well over my time here, we've gotten to know each other well.

I've also been spending a lot more time in books. I've sort of developed a love for reading. Its been my escape when I can't think anymore. Its sort of a friend. Maybe thats odd for you to read, I can accept that -

One other thing, the new Blankets! EP by the Acorn, is really a golden album, only a mere four songs, I think they accomplish more in those four songs then I could in a full length. I am working on it though, constantly trying to become a better writer.

All I want to do is be able to do what I love and pay the bills.

Anyways, Its late, thats some late night thoughts for you all.
I hope you're well - I hope the best for you friends.

Take care

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Hey Zakcary,
I can't wait until we get to hang out face-to-face. I think it's awesome at what God is doing in your life. I'm just reading your blogs and it is so evident.
I think it's kinda funny how you were talking about growth and change because today, i was thinking about that exact same thing when i was dying my hair today! ( i know, that sounds funny.) but it was a real realization for me. God totally just spoke to me and said, "it's the same reason you dye your hair, you like change. Whenever you embrace change, you embrace growth. a seed grows into a flower. it changes." and i was like, yeah, that's so right. it's kinda funny the way God just seems to tell me the most important things! lol
anyway, keep writing and reading. have a great week!